Works Cited
"AIM Occupation of Wounded Knee Begins.", 2010, Accessed 13 Nov. 2016. This gives me information on one of the many acts Dennis Banks and the other AIM leaders conducted in order to fight for Native Indian rights in the U.S.
"American Indian Movement." West's Encyclopedia of American Law. . Retrieved November 12, 2016 from This is very useful to me because it focuses on what the group did to fight for Native Indian rights and those movements were most likely conducted by the founders.
"American Indian Movement." West's Encyclopedia of American Law. . 3 Dec. 2016 <>. This source gives me multiple events that the AIM conducted and participated in.
American Indian Movement. "Trail of Broken Treaties 20-Point Position Paper." American Indiam Movement, Accessed 4 Dec. 2016. This source will enable me to look at what the American Indians wished for from the U.S government.
"American Indian Movement." Youtube, uploaded by Kweetsadee, 24 July 2014, Accessed 4 Dec. 2016. This source will be used to be put on my website and show how the media was reporting the actions AIM did
"Banks, Dennis J.." West's Encyclopedia of American Law. . Retrieved November 11, 2016 from " Since I am focusing my research on one of the founders of AIM this source gives me an abundance of background on Dennis Banks and what he did for Native Indians
Banks, Dennis J. "Dennis Banks on the AIM Era: 'I Regret That It Ended Too Soon.'" Interview by Gale Courey Toensing. Indian Country, 25 Apr. 2013, Accessed 12 Nov. 2016. This interview would help me in research because it is an interview with one of the founders of AIM and what his take on the different aspects of AIM were.
---. "The Longest Walk 5: An Interview with Dennis Banks." Interview by April Chee. The National Museum of the American Indian, 8 July 2016, Accessed 12 Nov. 2016. This interview with Dennis Banks gives me insight on one of the walks he conducted and the reason why he had done it.
---. "Still Fighting for Native American Rights." Interview by Dennis J. Bernstein., 8 Oct. 2016, Accessed 22 Nov. 2016. This interview with Dennis Banks is of use to me because I would direct quotes from Dennis Banks in the website.
Chertoff, Emily. "Occupy Wounded Knee: A 71-Day Siege and a Forgotten Civil Rights Movement." The Atlantic, 23 Oct. 2012, Accessed 4 Dec. 2016.
Deloria, Vine. "Native American Activists Finish Cross-Country 'Walk for Justice.'" Los Angeles Times, 16 July 1994, Accessed 13 Nov. 2016. This source is useful to me because it shoes how Dennis Banks and the other founders of AIM conducted a walk to free a Native Indian man who was falsely sentenced.
"Dennis Banks on Standing Rock: Native People Are Guardians of the Land." Popular Resistance, 30 Aug. 2016, Accessed 22 Nov. 2016.
"Dennis J. Banks." YourDictionary, n.d. Web. 12 November 2016. <>. This gives me an abundance of ways Dennis Banks took a stand for Native Indian rights.
"The Empire Files: Fighting at Standing Rock with AIM Founder Dennis Banks.", uploaded by TeleSUR English, 9 Oct. 2016, Accessed 12 Nov. 2016. This video is useful because it demonstrates that AIM is still around and is involved in the Dakota Access pipeline issue, also it shows how Dennis Banks is still very much involved in standing for Native Indian rights.
Excerpt from “Revolutionary activities within the United States [microform]: the American Indian Movement,” This source would help me because it gives me an idea on what the AIM group did to fight for Native Indian rights in the U.S, whether it was non-violent or violent.
Landry, Alysa. "Native History: AIM Occupation of Wounded Knee Begins." Indian Country, 27 Mar. 2014, Accessed 4 Dec. 2016. Another event that AIM conducted which'll help my research and allow me to know what the major event they conducted was like
Rosenfield, Carly. "Native Americans Walk from San Francisco to Washington, D.C. for U.S. Civil Rights, 1978." Global Nonviolent Action Database, 12 Apr. 2011, Accessed 22 Nov. 2016. This source allows me to know more in detail about the 3,000 mile walk Dennis Banks conducted
"Russell Means and Dennis Banks." DPLA- Digital Public Libbrary of America, 1973, Accessed 11 Nov. 2016.
Wittstock, Laura Waterman, and Elaine J. Salinas. "A Brief History of the American Indian Movement." American Indian Movement, Accessed 4 Dec. 2016. This source gives me a timeline on the events that occurred while AIM was heavily known.
"'You Are On Indian Land': The 1969 Indian Occupation of Alcatraz." Youtube, uploaded by Douglas Wang, 15 Mar. 2014, Accessed 4 Dec. 2016. This video goes through the step-by-step of how the American Indians took back control of the Alcatraz island.