The Alcatraz island most infamously known for the federal prison that was once held there, but before it was a prison it was used as an isolation place for tribe members who violated tribal laws.
November 9, 1969 is the day when a group of AIM members and Native American supporters set out to claim the island of Alcatraz for "Indians of all tribes." The Native American occupants began building a small civilization of the Alcatraz island: ran a school, daycare center, and set up a local radio broadcast.
The only way that they were going to peacefully leave Alcatraz island is if the federal government gave them a deed and clear title to the island, so basically they wanted complete ownership and control of the island. The government took a position of non-interference with the group.
The occupation of Alcatraz lasted through 1970 but internal problems began to develop because of the lost of leadership. A few more months passed and the federal government began to shut off the utilities to the island. With no prevail, the occupation of Alcatraz was soon shut down by the government on June 10, 1971.